Secesh negroes!!!

A Printer's Story.—It was a pretty extensive 'breach of the peace, that battle at Shiloh,' (writes a Chicago printer, from his prison at Macon, Georgia.) "The roar of musketry, from six in the morning till night, sounded like an immense waterfall. No cessation, nor rest—continual and desperate fighting. Dead men lay literally in heaps. In some places where the wounded lay, the brush caught fire, and we could hear them scream as the flames reached them. I shudder when I think of it. Another remarkable feature of the battle was the number of dead negroes lying about in secesh uniform. Draw your own inference. I have seen negroes with guns in their hands, acting as sentries.
DAILY TIMES [LEAVENWORTH, KS], June 22, 1862, p. 2, c. 2
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